THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE - "Worst That Could Happen"
From 1968 to present
time “The Brooklyn Bridge” has not stopped touring or performing their hits for
the fans. The Brooklyn Bridge currently consists of original members Fred
Ferrara (vocals), Les Cauchi (vocals), and Jimmy Rosica (bass, vocals). With Lou Agieste (drums), Marty D’Amico (keys,
vocals), and James Sarle (guitar) continue on a tradition of performing with a
quality stage show to fulfill Johnny Maestro’s wishes to have the band carry
on. Although some of the members changed through the years,
the band was still able to keep a core group since the 1970’s. Though very saddened with the loss of their lead vocalist, Johnny
Maestro, The Brooklyn Bridge continue to perform their Billboard hits “Worst
That Can Happen” (#3); “Welcome Me Love” (#48); “Blessed Is The Rain” (#46); and
“Your Husband My Wife” (#46) and carry on the Bridge’s